Pre-exercise meeting in Ireland

Wicklow: The Ireland exercise’s physical Pre-Exercise Meeting was conducted from 3-5 February with the participation of our project manager Josef H. Riener. 👏

There is a lot of preparations going on on several levels (administrative, logistics etc.). Some of the exercise sites were visited. Together with colleagues from different authorities on national and regional/local levels, fire services, and civil defence, we and the consortium were working intensively on planning a realistic and challenging exercise.

The objective is to improve the two EUCPT and TAST mission readiness for all kinds of disasters by conducting a very mission-realistic setup: an advisory mission on Ireland’s wildfire/forest management preparedness and to provide an expert report on aerial firefighting and forestry management. 🚨

The exercise will take place in Ireland from the 24th to the 29th of March, 2025. 📄

More information is coming soon about the cooperation in other projects!