European Civil Protection Forum

The 8th European Civil Protection Forum took place in Brussels on June 4th and 5th under the theme: “Building a disaster resilient Union: setting the course for the future of European civil protection”.

The event was an excellent opportunity to look back on the achievements of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and to develop ideas for future development, innovation and cooperation in the field of disaster risk management. More than 1300 participants from over 70 countries took part in the discussions, visited the Civil Protection Village stands and took the opportunity to network. They represented civil protection and disaster risk management authorities at various levels of government, first responders and civil society organisations, the private sector, science and academia, EU institutions and international partner organisations.

publiComm with our CEO Harald Maierl-Fellner and Joe Riener, International Projects participated with our current project EU MODEX Lot 4 exercise series, with an information stand.