Partnership meeting with the Department of Emergency Situations (Romania)

Picture: Left to the right, Harald Maierl-Fellner, MBA (CEO), Dr Bogdan Pop, Josef H. Riener, MSc and Dr Raed Arafat Today, 9th of August, the publiComm delegation consisting of Harald Maierl-Fellne,MBA, (CEO) and Josef H. Riener, MSc, visited the head of Department of Emergency Situations, Romania, Secretary of State, Dr Raed Arafat and the Deputy […]

Project Review and Planning Meeting

With EU HNS another project comes to a close, therefore, it is imperative for publiComm as a consortium partner to reflect on our achievements, identify areas of improvement, and chart a course towards future success. This review meeting provided a unique opportunity for the management to analyse the project’s performance, assess trends, and develop a […]

The EU HNS project and new challenges

In the picture from the left to the right: our CEO Harald Maierl-Fellner with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Republic of Moldova, Ana Revenco at the EU HNS TTX in Moldova. The last weeks were mainly driven by labour-intensive work on the final report, lessons learned and participating in some webinars regarding media work and […]

Lessons Learned meeting in Warsaw

The Lessons Learned meeting in Warsaw was successfully conducted on the 30th of March. A meeting with good friends and partners, Dr Bogdan Pop, Prof Dr Cristian Boeriu, Dr Turucz Emilia, Sedei Artur Vladimir, our friends from iHELP and our project officer Marcin Kedra from DG ECHO. A great project with some challenges could be […]

EU HNS Civil Protection Exercise in Răzeni, Moldova successfully conducted

The EU HNS Tabletop Exercise from 22-24 February in Răzeni, Moldova, was successfully conducted. publiComm is one of the partners in the EU HNS consortium and was mainly responsible for the following tasks: the organisational part of the TTX, the exercise logistics, the event management, and public relations. This included in detail booking flights, booking […]

World Civil Defence Day

PubliComm GmbH is working since 2018 on projects, related to civil protection and disaster management. We are participating in different projects, mainly funded by the European Union. We are happy to be a small part of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and are working hard to support to prepare for disaster situations and emergencies. In […]

Preparations for EU HNS TTX Moldova

We are part of the EU HNS project, where we are in the finish of the preparations for the exercise in the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău (22. – 24. February). publiComm GmbH is working on the following areas this week: last preparations for the exercise logistics as well as communication, coordination, dissemination and visibility of […]

Preparations for the pre-exercise meeting in Chișinău

Preparing for the PEM (Pre-Exercise Meeting) to be held at the end of January in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. Together with our implementing partner, the Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență al MAI (General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs) we will discuss and decide the last activities for the second EU HNS […]

New Years Meeting

publiComm’s team meeting on Friday, 13th of January in Vienna. From left: Andre, Alex, Joe Riener, Barbara Debre, Jimmy, and Michael Kollroser. The last business year and especially the contribution to the EU HNS project and the TTX in Amman was reviewed. Wolfgang Zimmermann moderated the internal lessons learned session professionally as ever, and the […]

EU HNS Civil Protection Exercise in Amman successfully conducted

The EU HNS Tabletop Exercise from 20-25 November in Amman, Jordan, was successfully conducted: Let’s take a look behind the curtains of the TTX from the participant’s point of view. EXORG, the organizational part of the TTX, EXLOG, the exercise logistics, the event management, and the public relations were tasks that were mainly handled by […]